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Welcome to

Beyond Horizons Resource Centre

We help children become independent learners

who stretch their boundaries, grow in character,

and excel academically.

What we do

Beyond Horizons is not just another learning centre


“Solid half-day study hours for IGCSE syllabus and without homework after studies enables students to have more time for other private activities such as music, art class and sports. A great sense of liberalization yet still fruitful.”

—  Catalina Tan, Parent


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In Praise of Individualized Education

There was a story of a boy who failed in every subject and was spending more time in a discipline teacher’s room than in the classroom. He was given a book that explained Learning Styles. Though he was not a reader, the teacher managed to . . .


The Way Children Learn and Succeed

In many classrooms, there are certain children who are bored, tuned out and are unable to understand the lesson presented. This is not because the child is lazy or tired but because the classroom is not catering for that child’s learning style or ability. . .

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Inculcating a Growth Mindset in Your Child 

These are the traits of many who have achieved success, not by talent alone, but by having a belief that they could be more. Steve Jobs was dismissed from the company he started. Jack Ma was rejected by Harvard ten times. What does this have to do with children? A lot. 

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